About the School

Launched in 2020, the Enabled Children School is a registered private primary school in Kabul, Afghanistan, and is the country’s first school for children with all types of disabilities, including physical, intellectual and/or sensory. The School adapts learning approaches to meet the needs of each student, enabling each child to reach their unique capacity and potential. The School’s specialized curriculum uses traditional classroom approaches to teach standard academic subjects, as well as including occupational and physical therapy, sports, art, sign language and life-skills training into our curricula. The school works toward inclusive education, integrating students into mainstream schools, and developing partnerships with those schools to encourage more inclusive learning environments in Kabul. The School is a family-focused learning environment, working closely with families, parents, and caretakers to ensure the best learning outcomes for students, and quality care both at school and in the home.

In 2024, ECI school was shortlisted as Top-10 World´s Best Schools under the category ´Overcoming Adversity´. Read more about this amazing recognition here https://blenny-bamboo-ctwh.squarespace.com/config/pages


Children under the age of 18 with a disability are eligible to enroll. For details, contact +93702022243 or school@enabledchildren.org



Support the School

ECI is looking for partnerships and sponsors. Please contact us at info@enabledchildren.org